Covadonga Lamar Prieto specializes in Sociolinguistics of the Spanish in the US. Her corpus-based research deals with Historical Spanish in California, with a focus on language change, dialectology and bilingualism. She is currently working on a book length project on the sociolinguistic situation of Spanish in Nineteenth-Century California. She is also interested in the contemporary consequences of historical language contact, particularly related to Spanish language in California and Digital Linguistics. Her “Siri and Hispanounidenses” is a Digital Humanities project that seeks to understand how voice-recognition applications respond to different dialects of Spanish (Spain, Mexico, US). She analyzes the impact of Siri’s interpretations on our understanding of US Spanish and its speakers. Besides being a Linguist, Covadonga is a Colonialist. She specializes in Colonial Mexico and the cultural production of the first Criollos: how these Criollos defined their new transatlantic identity, and the way they used to examine their society through literature.
I examine Spanish language in California, both in historic and contemporary terms. I am also interested in Digital Humanities and Colonial Studies.